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You have landed at the submission manager for the College Book Art Association, where you are able to submit applications, proposals or exhibition entries.

There are very specific guidelines for each type of application, proposal or entry. Please review the guidelines for submitting materials under individual categories.

Please note that you may need be a current member of CBAA in order to submit materials. In order to become a new member, or to renew your membership, please go to this CBAA web page:

For questions about the submission process in any category, please contact:

The College Book Art Association is excited to be continuing series of on-line presentations and we are soliciting proposals. Presentations are expected to run approximately 45 minutes with 15 minutes for questions from the audience. Presentations can fall into one of three categories:

  • Option A - Talking through the production process of one project / artist book
  • Option B - Workshop / demo teach us how to do something
  • Option C - Artist talk, Artist Collaboration, Artist Book Reading

We are open to new and innovative ideas as we develop this program. Access to presentations will be available to members and non-members and will be publicized via CBAA social media and other list-serves. Presentations are scheduled throughout the year and are recorded.

Presenters will receive a stipend of $250.00. If there are multiple presenters, they will split the $250 stipend. Ex. a pair of collaborators will receive $125 each. You also have the opportunity to be featured on the CBAA Website as Artist of the Month!

Call for Student Lightning Round Submissions 

CBAA National Conference, June 5-7, 2025

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Madison, Wisconsin


Embracing the Tangible: Fostering Interdisciplinary Connections in Book Art

In a digital age where screens dominate our interactions, the material book stands as a testament to the enduring power of the tangible. This conference theme invites participants to explore the palpable allure of book art and its capacity to bridge diverse disciplines. We invite proposals for papers, pre-formed panels, round table discussions, and demonstrations that examine book art through an interdisciplinary lens, highlighting connections and collaborations between book art and disciplines ranging from literature, music, and visual arts to science and technology and beyond. In addition, the conference will include a juried CBAA members exhibition, members' showcase, and a vendor fair.

Student Lightning Round

This category of presentation is only open to CBAA student members. Participants will each give a 6-minute slide presentation about their book art-related work. Participants in the student lightning round must be enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at the time of the conference. Submissions MUST include a 250-word abstract, a 50-word synopsis. A 50-word bio and a 10-slide powerpoint presentation. Slides will run automatically while the presentation is being given. The Submission deadline for the Student Lightning Round is April 1st.

Please note that you must be a CBAA student member to submit your proposal through the Submittable platform. Submissions cannot be accepted any other way.

  1. Only CBAA student members are eligible to make submissions to the student lightning round. To become a new member or to renew your membership, please visit
  2. To promote original scholarship in the field of academic book art, abstracts submitted to CBAA should not be concurrently submitted for consideration to another conference.
  3. Please limit abstracts to no more than 250 words; longer abstracts will not be considered.
  4. Bios, synopses, and abstracts must be submitted as Word docs.
  5. This is a blind jurying process; please do not include your name or the names of any other potential participants on any of the uploaded files. Instead, use the title of your talk as your file name. You should enter a short bio in the biography section of the submission form.


SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: You will be asked to submit the following information when prompted by the online submission manager for each entry separately:

Member’s address
Member’s phone number
Institution, city ,and state of institution
50-word bio (this can include the member’s name and will be included in the printed program if accepted)
Title of proposal
50-word synopsis (to be printed in the conference program if accepted)
250-word abstract (no names)

10-slide presentation (no names) in Powerpoint


Submissions MUST be received no later than April 1st, 2025. Submissions received after this date will not be considered for acceptance.

April 15th, 2025: Notification of acceptance



For questions about the submission process in any category please email:

Julie Chen

CBAA Vice President for Programming

College Book Art Association